Extend your life long support of Swan Districts through leaving a bequest

It is a fact that far too many Australians do not have a valid Will.

Making a Will gives you peace of mind and is a way to show you care about family members and friends. It can give you peace of mind, knowing that your special wishes have been made clear and that you’ve made provision for them.

Once you have taken care of your family, friends and loved ones, your bequest to the Swan District Foundation can take several forms;

● A percentage of the value of your Estate

● A specified amount of money or items of property

● The residue of the Estate after provision for family and other beneficiaries

The Swan Districts Foundation is not qualified or authorised to provide legal advice. To ensure that your wishes are clearly and legally stated, you may wish to consider the following options;

● Consulting a qualified Solicitor or Trustee Company

● Updating your Will to insert a clause which provides for the Swan Districts Foundation; or

● Completing a simple codicil document which is then attached to your Will

There are many opportunities for supporters of the club to contribute to the future  and sustainability of the club's activities, programs and facilities.

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